20 November, 2014

APDSC 2014 :: Key publication, Selection, Preparation of Provisional list and Final list, Communication of Merit lists

(1) The Commissioner of School Education shall issue the schedule of notification, Payment of fees, Conduct of Written Test, Release of Initial Key / Final Key and declaration of results and public the results examinations. The Commissioner of School Education being the competent authority to publish the initial key of the question after the conduct of written test inviting objections, if any, from the candidates who appeared for the test, duly giving a reasonable time to the candidates for filing objections on the initial key and the same shall be disposed of by the expert committee constituted by the Commissioner of School Education. The final key shall be published for the information of candidates. Any representation / petition / objection on the initial key after the above stipulated period shall not be entertained.
(2) The Commissioner of School Education is authorized to dispose of the material relating to the Teachers Recruitment Test such as OMRs and other examination material after one year from the date of declaration of results / display of selection lists, whichever is later. Request for furnishing of OMR sheets after the prescribed period will not be entertained under these rules and other Acts / Rules.

(a) Candidates shall be selected on the basis of marks secured in the Written Test.
(b) the candidates who have already qualified in earlier APTETs also compulsorily write the above Integrated Test for appointment as Teacher in Government / Zilla Praja Parishad / Mandal Praja Parishad / Municipality / Tribal Welfare Schools. These candidates will be given 20 % of weightage for their earlier TET score (as per the original TET notification). For this 20% weightage, candidates will be having option
either to consider 20% of earlier TET scores or 20% of present marks whichever is higher. Now onwards, the Integrated Test will be valid for that particular recruitment only. In respect of appointments in private / un-aided schools or any other educational Institutions, the above Integrated Test Certificate will be valid for a period of 1 (One) year. A Certificate will be issued to the candidates who are fulfilling minimum requirement in the above Integrated Test by obtaining minimum qualifying marks prescribed at Rule 6 .

Preparation of Provisional Lists:
1) A Provisional merit cum roster list shall be prepared out of qualified candidates to the extent of vacancies notified for each category of posts.
2) After preparation of provisional list , verification of
a) Earlier TET score by original card
b) Original qualification certificates
c) Proof of age
d) Original caste/PH/any such qualification certificate claimed by the candidate in the application shall be undertaken by the officer/ Committee authorized by Commissioner and Director of School Education.
3) If the certificates are not found to be genuine /correct and if the candidate fails to produce the certificates required at the time of verification or if the candidate is absent for verification of certificates, such candidates forego the right of selection, and next eligible candidate shall be considered for certificates verification.
4) After verification of certificates by the authorized officer/committee as designated by the Commissioner of School Education the final selection list shall be prepared and published.
5) The number of candidates shall not be more than the number of vacancies notified for that particular category.
6) In the process, posts if any unfilled for any reason whatsoever shall be carried forward for future recruitment.
7) After such publication, there shall not be any waiting list and selection made shall be final.

(1) The rule of reservation to local candidates is applicable and the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (OLC&RDR) Order (Presidential Order) 1975 and amendments there to shall be followed strictly.
(2) The rule of special representation in the matter of appointment of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Physically Challenged, Ex-service Men and women is applicable as per the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules 1996 as amended from time to time.
(3) The rules issued from time to time by the Department of Disabled Welfare shall be followed in respect of special representation for differently abled (physically challenged) persons.
(4) Local Scheduled Tribe candidates shall only be considered for selection and appointment against the vacancies in Scheduled Areas. They shall also be considered for selection to the posts notified in Plain area if they come up for selection.
(5) The number of candidates selected shall not be more than the number of vacancies notified. There shall be no waiting list and posts if any unfilled for any reason whatsoever shall be carried forward for future recruitment.
(6) The certificate issued for earlier TETs from 2011 to 2014 shall be verified about the eligibility conditions for the post applied for before preparation of the selection list.
(7) After due verification of the originals of all relevant certificates, selection of the candidates for the posts of Government/Local Bodies/Tribal Welfare Department shall be made together as per the roster of each unit of appointment and selected candidates shall exercise their option as per roster cum merit and the District
Educational Officer, shall allow the candidates to the respective unit accordingly.
(8) The District selection Committee concerned shall approve the selection lists prepared as per Rules. The same list shall be displayed on the Notice boards at O/o District Collector, O/o District Educational Officer and on the internet for the information of candidates.

The allotment list of selected candidates prepared separately for the different units of appointment shall be communicated promptly to the respective appointing authorities along with the applications of the candidates by the Secretary, District Selection Committee, who in turn will take prompt action for conducting counseling for postings of candidates to schools concerned.
20. (a) The appointment orders for selected candidates shall be issued subject to outcome of C.A.No.4878-4991/2009 filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court and any other court cases.
      (b) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in any other rules relating to recruitment of Teachers, the provisions of these rules shall prevail and be applicable for the purpose of recruitment of Teachers, 2014.
      (c) The District Educational Officer and Member-Secretary of the District Level Committee shall issue appointment orders under Rule 10(a) of Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules 1996 and posting orders to the selected candidates in terms of service rules of the respective managements existing as on date as per the choice exercised by the selected candidates in the counseling for schools under the control of District Educational Officer.
(d) Scale of Pay: The candidates who are appointed are eligible to draw the scale of pay attached to the post.
(e) Display on the Notice Board: The list of candidates who have been given posting orders shall also be displayed on the Notice Board on the day of counseling. NO changes/modifications in posting orders shall be made by District Selection Committee. If any changes/modifications in postings are made after display of the list, the Member-Secretary concerned shall be personally held responsible and severe disciplinary action shall be taken against him/her. The selected candidates list of appointment shall also be displayed by the District Educational officer on the website.

Issue of Eligibility Certificate:
Teachers Eligibility Certificate will be issued by the competent authority to all the candidates who secured minimum qualifying marks prescribed after verification of all the original certificates as per NCTE norms which would entitle them to secure employment in private schools.

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