22 October, 2014

G.O.Rt.No.2597, Dt: 21.10.14 :: Procedure & Clarification on claiming Pay Arrear Bills prior to 2-6-14

G.O.Rt.No.2597(FIN.DEPT) Dated: 21 -10-2014 :: A.P. State Reorganization Act, 2014 – Certain arrears and other claims pertaining to the period prior to bifurcation of the erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh i.e., 02-06-2014 - Clarification on their admissibility and apportionment of liability and expenditure on
such claims in residuary State of Andhra Pradesh – Procedure and Clarification - Orders – Issued.

1. A.P. Reorganisation Act. 2014.
2. Go.Ms.No. 243,Fin(TFR) Dept., dt. 22.07.2014 of Government of Telangana.

O R D E R:
1. After bifurcation of the State, many drawing and disbursing officers have requested the Government to clarify on the procedure to be adopted for admitting arrear bills/unpassed bills (returned) before 02.06.2014 and subsequently admitted.

2. Government after careful examination, hereby order the following procedure and guidelines to be adopted for claiming the payment of arrear claims and bills prior to the appointed date.

(A) Pay & Allowances bills (Salaries, Arrear Claims of Increments, Fixation etc.,) and Leave Salary.
i) The sanctioning authority shall clearly indicate the apportionment of the liability between the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, in the population ratio, ie, 58.32 & 41.68, respectively. The DDOs shall prepare two separate bills (in respect of
each claim), one for liability of the State of AP and another for the liability of the State of Telangana. The bill for the liability of the Andhra Pradesh State shall be preferred under respective head of the Department, under 010 Salaries or under relevant Detailed
Head/Sub Detailed Head, whereas the expenditure for the liability of the State of Telangana shall be booked under MJH- 8793-ISS- MNH-129 – Telangana. The trans ID of each bill shall also be indicated on the other part of the bill (Telangana share)for cross
verification. The Treasury Officer/ PAO/ PAO(Works) must ensure that the bills for the liability of both States are submitted simultaneously, otherwise the bills shall be returned with audit objection. The DDOs of the last station of the composite State of AP, shall furnish a Non Drawl Certificate in respect of claim of each individual and the DDOs of the Offices in successor States shall enclose the same to one of the bills, submitted to the Treasuries. An attested copy of the same shall be enclosed to the 2nd bill of the claim. The other laid down codal provisions shall be strictly followed for preparation and auditing of the bills for payment by the DDOs and the Treasury officers respectively.
The above procedure may be adopted in respect of the claims, which relate to the period, up to 1.06.2014, for which sanctions have been accorded on or after 2.06.2014.
ii) In respect of the claims for which sanctions have already been accorded for the period, that pertains partly to the composite State of AP and either of the successor States of AP and Telangana, the DDOs shall be permitted to act based on such sanctions.
In such circumstances the DDOs have to prepare three bills for settlement of the claims, viz
(a) One bill for the liability of the State of Andhra Pradesh @ 58.32% of the liability up to 1.06.2014 debitable to the regular expenditure head.
(b) Another bill for the liability of the State of Telangana @ 41.68%of the liability up to 1.06.2014 debitable to MJH- 8793-ISS- MNH-129 – Telangana.
(c) The 3rd bill for the period from 2.06.2014 onwards by concerned State debitable to the regular expenditure head.
iii) In respect of the claims that pertain partly to the period of the composite State of AP and partly to residuary State of AP, for which sanction has not been accorded, competent authority in the successor State shall be permitted to accord sanction , duly
obtaining all the relevant information from the concerned and incur the expenditure. The procedure for drawl and apportionment of expenditure shall be as in the case of claims at para A (ii).

(B) LTC, TA, Medical Reimbursement and Utility Payments (i.e., Water, Electricity,Telephone etc.,) pertaining to the period prior to bifurcation i.e., 02.06.2014 :-
In respect of claims such as LTC, TA, Medical Reimbursement and utility payments (i.e., water, electricity, telephone etc.,) pertaining to the period prior to the bifurcation of the State i.e., 02.06.2014 (composite state) the DDOs shall claim and prefer two bills in the population ratio i.e., 58.32% & 41.68% in respect of both states as given below:
(1) AP state share: - 58.32% of the total bill debitable to the expenditure head concerned.
(2)Telangana State share :- 41.68% of the total bill debitable to the Head of Account MJH-8793 – ISS - MNH-129-Telangana.
The sanctioning authority shall clearly mention the apportionable amount of the total claim in respect of both the states in the sanction order duly showing the amount under each HOA to which it is debitable duly reducing the advances paid if any and the
supporting vouchers & documents in original and original sanction order shall be enclosed to the AP state share bill and the photostat copies shall be enclosed to the Telangana State share bill i.e., MJH- 8793-ISS- MNH-129 – Telangana. The transaction
IDs of both the bills should be noted on the corresponding part of the bill for cross verification and both the bills should be submitted simultaneously at Treasury / PAO as the case may be.
The DDOs of the last station of the composite state shall clearly mention in the L.P.C., of the respective individual as to the advances drawn & paid towards TA, LTC, Medical reimbursement etc. This would enable the DDOs of the offices in successor
State to take further necessary action in settlement of bills.

(C) The other payments which are not covered under the above mentioned expenditure heads which are due for the period before 02.06.2014 shall also be apportioned between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states in the population ratio i.e., 58.32 & 41.68 as per the procedure envisaged above.

(D) The bills which fall due for the period after bifurcation i.e., w.e.f . 02.06.2014 shall be borne by the respective states only.

3. All Departments of Secretariat are requested to issue suitable instructions to the Heads of Departments under their control to ensure that these instructions are scrupulously followed by the D.D.Os., under their control.

4. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad / Pay and Accounts Officer, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad / Director of Works and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad shall issue suitable instructions to their unit offices.

5. All departments shall comply with the above orders, obtaining additional budget where necessary. The submission and passing of bills pertaining to period before 02.06.2014 shall be completed by 31.12.2014 without fail.

Download G.O.Rt.No.2597, Dt: 21.10.14

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