28 September, 2014

Rc.No:1292, Dt:23.9.2014 :: MEO's Transfers schedule and Guidelines

Rc.No.1292/(C3-1)Estt.2-1/2012. Dt. 23-09-2014 :: School Education - Transfers - Mandal Educational Officers - Certain Instruction - Issued - Regarding.

1. G.O.Ms.No.175, Finance, dated 19.08.2014.
2 G.O.Ms.No.176, Finance, dated 21 08.2014
3 G O.Ms.No.186, Finance, dated 05.09 2014.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are informed that Government
have issued lifting of ban on transfers upto 10.10.2014 in the references read above
Accordingly, the following guidelines for the conduct of transfer counseling of Mandal Educational Officers are hereby issued for compliance.

a) The Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are instructed to take up the transfers of the existing regular Mandal Educational Officers from one Mandal to the other Mandal.

b) All the transfers should be within the category of Mandal Educational Officer and for the
existing working regular Mandal Educational officers and within the District only.

c) All the transfers should be strictly in compliance with the orders issued by the Government
in G O.Ms.No.175, Finance, dated 19.08.2014, G.O.Ms No 176, Finance, dated:21.08.2014, G.O.Ms No. 186, Finance, dated: 05.09.2014

d)  The transfers should be done by way of counseling only.

e)  The Regional Joint Directors of School Education are instructed to draw the schedule as follows:

1. Display of tentative vacancy list: 26.09.2014
2. Display of Mandal Educational Officers who have completed 5 years of stay in the mandal 29.09.2014
3. Display of Seniority list of Mandal Educational officers 29.09.2014
4. Transfer by way of counseling district wise: 04.10.2014 to 10.10.2014

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education are hereby directed to take
necessary action to conduct the transfer counseling as per guidelines duly following the rules issued in the Government orders referred above Any deviation in procedure, the Regional Joint Directors of School
Education will be held responsible and will be viewed seriously.
The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously.

Download Rc.No:1292, Dt:23.9.2014

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